First aid kit for dogs in the country and at home (list)

A first aid kit for a dog is also a must in your home, just like a first aid kit in your car. Of course, it is impossible to foresee all possible situations and purchase medicines for all occasions. But, there are a number of medications that should still be at hand. Is always.

Below is a list of the most essential medical instruments and medicines for a dog's first aid kit. Save it to your desktop so you don't lose it.

Medicines that will save a dog's life: "Dexamethasone" for allergies, antidotes (antidotes) "Vitamin B6", "Vmitamin K", "Sulfocamfocaine" to relieve shock, "Dicinone" to stop bleeding

Medical instruments and dressings:

1. Thermometer (electronic)

2. Bandage wide and narrow

3. Cotton wool

4. Cotton buds and cotton pads

5. Scissors

6. Pipette

7. Syringes 2, 5, 10 ml (for injection or washing wounds)

8. Harness

9. Elastic bandage

10. Medical mesh for fastening the dressings

11. Tweezers

12. Ammonia

13. Pliers or pliers


Antiseptic medicines for dogs:

1. Chlorhexidine - for the treatment of deep wounds and disinfection of serious cuts

2. Miramistin - used as an antiseptic for wounds, as well as for douching the genitals

3. Hydrogen peroxide - for treating deep wounds and disinfecting serious cuts

4. "Perkutan" - for the treatment of wounds, burns, eczema

5. Powder "Tsamax" - suitable for weeping wounds and eczema

6. Chamomile - with a decoction of chamomile, you can wash the eyes and genitals


Medicines for dogs for ear scabies (otodectosis):

1. Ear drops "Bars"



1. "Levomekol" - antibiotic ointment

2. Ichthyol ointment - heals the wound, prevents the ingress of germs and creates a protective film

3. Tetracycline 3% and 1% eye ointment



1. "Penicillin" - used for mastitis, sepsis, high fever, colds

2. "Levomycetin" - used for gastric disorders, sepsis, pneumonia, bronchopulmonary inflammation

Allergy medications for dogs:

1. "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Diazolin" - are used for allergic reactions (edema, urticaria) of various origins (snake bites, insects, poisoning). You can use insulin syringes, so it will not be scary to inject yourself into the thigh or withers

2. Dexamethasone - used for rapid allergic reactions and as an anti-shock agent


Poisoning medications for dogs:

1. Vitamin B6 - in case of isoniazid poisoning

2. Vitamin K - in case of poisoning with rat poison

3. Potassium permanganate - in case of poisoning, to remove toxins

4. Activated carbon - for poisoning, diarrhea and intoxication of the body

5. "Enterosgel" is one of the best remedies for poisoning, intoxication of the body, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract


Gastrointestinal Medicines for Dogs:

1. "Fasfolugel" - reduces acidity, eliminates pain in the stomach, eliminates irritation and vomiting. Coats the walls of the stomach and restores microflora

2. "Smecta" - eliminates irritation in the digestive tract, prevents diarrhea, restores stool

3. "Cerucal" - (tablets and ampoules) stops vomiting

4. Vaseline oil - for constipation


Pain medications:

1. "Analgin", "Baralgin" - pain relievers

2. "No-shpa" (in ampoules) - helps relieve an attack of pain with urolithiasis, cystitis, but will not help at all with a fracture

3. "Rimadil" - used for fractures, dislocations and other serious injuries or diseases of the joints; relieves pain, inflammation and reduces swelling


Medicines for dogs that are used in case of serious injuries and accidents:

1. "Cordiamine", "Sulfocamfocaine" - restore the work of the heart, relieve shock

2. "Dicinon" - stops the blood

3. Hemostatic collagen sponge - stimulates tissue regeneration, is used for bleeding

Medicines for dogs

All images obtained via Google Images and Pinterest (unless otherwise noted).

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